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Planning Board Minutes 09/06/2018
Regular Meeting
September 6th, 2018
Members & Staff Present:                
Janet McEwen (Chair), Chris Condon (Vice Chair), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), William Bryk (Member), Bob Holmes (Member), Mary Allen (Member), Lynne Rosansky (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Board Assistant)
Members Absent:  Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate), and Steve MacDonald (Alternate).
Others Present:  Bob Edwards (Selectman)

CTO:  Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 6:57 PM. Chair McEwen stated she wanted to start a few minutes early to have the new assistant, Ms. Brudnick-Destromp, introduce herself to the board. This took 3 minutes exactly.

I.      Minutes
  • Minutes from July 19, 2018 Mr. Condon made a motion for review, second by Mr. Robertson. The minutes were approved by a voice vote, all in favor.
  • Minutes from August 2,, 2018 put in motion by Mr. Condon for review, second by Mr. Bryk. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp brought to attention that there is a spelling error on line 35, “Virtual Towns and Schools,” should be changed to “Virtual Town Hall,” as pointed out to her by Diane Chauncey. All agreed.
  • Mr. Bryk wanted to put in a motion to approve all 3 sets of minutes without further review. There was a long discussion between Mr. Holmes, Chair McEwen, Mr. Condon, and Mr.Bryk where Mr. Holmes recused himself for the voting process. Mr. Holmes felt if a member was not present at all 3 meetings, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote for approval. Ms. Allen, Ms. Rosansky, and Mr. Robertson passed on the vote due to what Mr. Holmes said.
  • It was noted by Chair McEwen, that on the August 16th minutes, that the office of Steve Jones contacted the office directly, and did not send a letter, and that where it states “Chair McEwen will send this information to Mr. Jones,” should be changed to “Chair McEwen discussed this information with Mr. Jones office alerting them not due until 2019.”
  • Chair McEwen called for a motion to approve the minutes from July 19th, August 2nd, and August 16th, 2018. Mr. Bryk and Mr. Condon seconded the motion.
II.     Master Plan – Chapter Review
  • Chair McEwen started discussion of Master Plan. Mr. Holmes discussed the bullet points he had, and Chair McEwen read the list off the meeting packet. Chair McEwen and Mr. Holmes stated they were comfortable with the bullet points, and the information. Ms. Allen stated she was fine with them as well. Everyone agreed that Land Use was the first one to tackle.
  • Chair McEwen asked if anyone knew what they wanted the chapters to be. Mr. Holmes and Chair McEwen both expressed what chapters they wanted, with Mr. Holmes giving his top 3. Chair McEwen wants to reference the old ideas to see what should stay, what had been forgotten over time, and what should be on the new one.
  • Chair McEwen read the chapters off from the current Vision Plan, and the board discussed in detail what should stay, what should go, and what should maybe be sent off to other departments to assist with and then come back to the board for review.
  • Mr. Edwards asked to speak to the board in regards to the Master Plan. He provided the following packets to the board to be reviewed: “The Secrets of Successful Small Communities,” by Edward T. McMahon, “Communities Can Influence Demographic Trends,” by Brian Gottlob, “New Laws Will Affect Land Use Boards,” by Cordell A. Johnson, and “Yes, in My Backyard: Worekforce Housing Key to Sustainable Local Economies,” by Elissa Margolin. Chair McEwen requested Ms. Brudnick-Destromp to scan the packets and forward them by email to the members to review. Mr. Edwards also requested a copy of the new Vision Statement.
  • Mr. Holmes would like to save a lot of the information from the current master plan, Mr. Condon and Mr. Robertson both agreed.
  • Mr. Condon read off information he found online statistically from other surrounding towns on what the majority had as their Master Plan Chapters. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp made copies of the information Mr. Condon had brought to the meeting, and distributed it to each member.
  • Ms. McEwen asked the board how they wanted to concur editing the chapters, should we split into pairs? Mr. Condon stated 2 or 3 people should get together separately, go through, make their edits and then present it to the group one chapter at a time.
  • It was decided that Mr. Condon, Mr. Robertson, and Ms. Allen will be 1st subcommittee to review and edit the land and use chapter, and report back during the October 18th meeting with their new and updated version of the chapter.
III.    Website Update
  • Chair McEwen moved to have this subject discussed at the next meeting.

IV.     Potential Zoning Amendments
  • Ms. McEwen asked Ms. Ogilvie regarding the zoning amendments. Ms. Ogilvie stated that If you were going to do zoning, you would have to have the ballot finalized by the 1st week of February, last week in January. Further, in her opinion, there are no zoning issues that could not wait another year.  
V.      CIP update
  • Mr. Holmes explained that the CIP committee had a very successful and educational walk through at both the Police and Fire station. They have a strong understanding of what the departments needs this year, and what they will most likely need next year. The CIP Committee will be meeting with Water & Sewer next week followed by the Highway Department. The CIP committee has found that the in person walk through was greatly more beneficial with understanding their needs. The CIP Committee is determined to come in on October 4th for their presentation to the Planning Board.
VI.     Excavation Reports
  • Mr. Steve Jones and his pits reports were discussed between Chair McEwen, and Ms. Ogilvie. Ms. Ogilvie will follow up on his permit.  
VII.    Registration for the Law Lecture Series
  • The printed out email for the Law Lecture Series made it unclear what days which specific topics would be discussed, as it appears the topics on one sheet did not match the other. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp is to verify, and also verify a registration deadline date as well and email the board members to make sure they have the correct information, and to determine who wants to attend so she can sign each member up before the deadline.
VIII.   Planning Assistant Report
  • Ms. Brudnick-Destromp mentioned an individual, Mr. Young, who was looking at purchasing a home in Antrim but wanted to build a 3 car garage attached to the side. The building is a non-conforming structure, and the setback requirements will not be met. She informed him he would need a variance to build such a garage.
  • Another individual came in for a building permit for a deck on a lake front property, but there was no other news.
V.      Planning and Zoning Budget for 2019
  • Chair McEwen moved to have this item put on the agenda for the next meeting.
VI.     Correspondence:
  • Letter from SWRPC detailing the 10 year plan
  • Letter from NH DOR, was forwarded to Donna Hanson as Town Administrator
VII.    Other Business:
  • The board was provided with information on upcoming 2018 Housing & Economy Conference
Motion:  Mr. Robertson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Bryk
Discussion: There was no discussion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all Board members agreed.
Meeting Adjourned:  8:22 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
Assistant to the Land Board